A collaborative divorce is an alternative to litigation or mediation for the divorcing couple. It allows you to keep control of decision-making and ensuring privacy, while promoting respectful and direct communication. Using a team comprised of a collaborative attorney, divorce coach, neutral financial specialist and child specialist, you will jointly craft an agreement that fosters long-term cooperation.
Instead of pitting two sides against each other legally, this process brings you, your partner, and all the necessary professionals together in a joint effort to create a collaborative, not adversarial, divorce.
In this process I will be your divorce coach. We will:
- identify underlying goals to help find better solutions
- understand different perspectives
- resolve emotional crises if they arise
- model healthy and constructive communication
- assure a respectful problem-solving environment
To learn more or to start the collaborative divorce process, please call me at (773) 234-1575 or email at info@johnknoerzerlcsw.com.